Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch


What is a monochrome?

What is a monochrome?

Describes paintings, photographs, designs or drawings of one color or values that have one color. Monochromatic objects have shades with limited hues or colors. However, for an image, the term monochrome is often used to refer to black and white. or gray scale though it may be used to mean other combinations that contain tones of one color.

Image © BoConcept/Shutterstock
Contemporary art from India

Contemporary art from India dates from 1985 to the present. In India, this period is called the post-liberalization era, and includes artists who feel the freedom to work independent of traditional Hindu or social traditions for artworks, and use distinctly Indian materials and objects.


Lettrism is an art form which uses letters, words and symbols to create an artwork. The art form was popularized in the 1950s in America, but was established in 1940s Paris. Lettrisme is the French spelling of the movement, and the French word for letter.

New Leipzig School

A movement in modern German painting, it's the third generation and relates to how Germany today post-reunification looks like. The movement for the new Leipzig school is linked to people like Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig. Unlike the first generation of Leipzig paintings, the third generation do not have clear characteristics and messages. Instead, the paintings are a combination of figurative and abstract elements, making creativity come to the forefront.

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