Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch


What is a body print?

What is a body print?

Depending on the artist's intention, body print may be executed in different ways that include smearing of grease or margarine on the skin, hair and clothes or by pressing oneself against a piece of paper then dust the oiled imprint with the pigment on the ground. The artist's body acts as the common printing plate, the "body print" however, does not work or act as a self portrait. It rather explores 2 competing identity conceptions.

Manifesto Invencionista

Manifesto Invencionista was a 1946 published manifesto which announced the Argentinian beginning of the concrete art movement in Buenos Aires. Artist Tomás Maldonado wrote the Inventionist Manifesto; published by the Asociación Arte Concreto-Invención. Concrete art is abstract, with no basis on visual reality.

Art Intervention

Art Intervention is art which is intended to interact with an existing situation, structure, artwork, audience, or institution. Interventions became popular in the 1960s, as artists sought to effect change in political and social contexts. Artist-in-residence programs were inspired by this art movement.

New Topographics

New Topographics is the term created in 1975 by William Jenkins to describe photographers whose work was mostly formal black and white images of urban landscapes. He felt their aesthetic was banal, but the photographers felt their compositions were as important as natural landscapes.

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