Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch


Martin Chirino

Originele Kunstwerken & Gesigneerde Edities Te Koop

Martin Chirino is a Spanish sculptor and abstract artist. He studied at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando as a young man. He honed his skills as a sculptor at the Royal Academy of Arts in London in the 1950s. Chirino completed individual exhibitions, as well as participating in collaborations with the group called El Paso (The Step in English). Artists involved in El Paso collaborations included Antonio Saura, Manolo Millares, Pablo Serrano, and others. El Paso worked together from 1957 to 1960, when they dissolved. Martin Chirino's "Mediterránea" series of sculptures was inspired by a trip to Greece. This series of sculptures is created from iron sheets that have been shaped and painted in vivid colors. They are hollow inside. In addition to creating sculptures of his own and collaborating with other artists, Chirino has also worked as the director of art museums and cultural organizations. He has also been received multiple fine art awards for his works.

Martin Chirino

Obra Gráfica, 1973

Editie / Print

Ets En Aquatint

EUR 6,000

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Wat is het Laat-modernisme?

Wat is het Laat-modernisme?

Dit is een kunstterm in de beeldende kunst dat de totale productie van de meest recente (laatste) kunst van tussen de nasleep van de Tweede Wereldoorlog en het begin van de 21e eeuw, omvat. De terminologie wordt soms gebruikt door kunstenaars om te wijzen op de overeenkomsten die er bestaan tussen post-modernisme en late-modernisme hoewel er een aantal verschillen bestaan.

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Mimmo Paladino


Limitierte Druck Auflage


Momenteel Niet Beschikbaar

Eva CLAESSENS | Embrace | Marble available for sale on composition gallery

Eva Claessens

Embrace, 2023

Sculpture / Object


Contacteer Ons

Alex KATZ | Vivien | Silkscreen  available for sale on composition gallery

Alex Katz

Vivien, 2012

Limitierte Druck Auflage


USD 20,000